Christine: Oral Cancer Effects
In 2007, at age 44, Christine’s life would change forever. A biopsy of a growth inside her cheek revealed oral cancer. After 35 radiation treatments and chemotherapy, she seemed to be cured. But the cancer returned in 2008; this time surgery was her only option. Her third bout with oral cancer in 2009 was even more serious. She learned it had spread to her jawbone, classifying it as stage IV. Doctors had to remove half of her jaw. Today, at age 55, Christine has been smoke-free for 11 years.
Brian: There’s Hope
While stationed in England serving in the Air Force, Brian had a heart attack at the age 35 and was no longer able to serve his country because of a contracted heart disease. With the help of his wife, he was able to leave hospice care and get a second chance at life with a heart transplant about a year later. Brian realizes that he is one of the fortunate few. He encourages all smokers to quit, saying, “There’s life on the other side of cigarettes.”
Julia's Wake-Up Call
After Julia became pregnant with her son, she successfully stopped smoking cigarettes. Later, she relapsed but tried to avoid smoking around her son. She didn't think too much about her own health.Then was diagnosed with colon cancer. After seeing how much her cancer battle damaged her son and the people around her, she finally quit smoking.
Tiffany: You Don't Quit Just for Yourself
Tiffany’s mother started smoking cigarettes sometime in college and was diagnosed with lung cancer when she was just 15. A year after being diagnosed, Tiffany lost her mother when she was 16. Despite this, she also found herself smoking cigarettes for years. But after having her own daughter, Tiffany could not imagine leaving such a heavy burden if she was to pass away.
Mariano: An Honest Message
Mariano smoked cigarettes for 30 years. He smoked up to two packs per day. The first time Mariano’s health took a toll on him, he began to feel nauseous and dizzy and was required to undergo open heart surgery. He remembers thinking, “ If I had stopped smoking years ago, I would not have to go through this.” Mariano has honest message to smokers, “If you continue smoking, you will find a very big problem. You will have fatal consequences.”