A great way to prepare to quit smoking is to create a quit plan. Quit plans help you identify and overcome challenges as you quit by combining strategies to keep you focused, confident, and motivated. Quit plans can improve your chances of quitting smoking for good.

Start by picking a date, then remove smoking reminders like ashtrays, cigarettes and lighters. Your quit plan should include your reasons to quit and your triggers, anticipating your triggers can help you develop real ways to cope with them. Have some places you can turn to for immediate help like a quitline or support group, check out the Lake County Health Department website for quit smoking programs.

Quitting smoking happens one minute, one hour, one day at a time. Celebrate individual milestones throughout your quit. Be proud of your accomplishments.

Manage Your Cravings

You won’t be able to avoid all of your smoking triggers. Cravings typically last 5 to 10 minutes. It might be uncomfortable, but try to wait it out. Keep trying different things until you find what works for you.

Here’s a few tips to try to manage the cravings.

  • Think About Your Reasons for Quitting
    Remind yourself why quitting is important to you.

  • Get Support
    There are many ways to access counselors and resources, call a 1-866-QUIT-YES today.

  • Stay Busy
    Changing your routine or doing a physical activity can help you shake off the craving.

  • Go to a Smokefree Zone
    Go somewhere you can’t smoke like the movie or the store and do what you normally do when you find yourself in those places.

  • Try Nicotine Replacement Therapy
    There are short-term and long-term options to try.

  • Do a Good Deed
    Take your mind of smoking by focusing on the needs of someone else.


Find Social Support 

Quitting smoking is easier with support from important people in your life. Let your them that you are planning to quit. Explain how they can help you quit. We all need different things, so be sure you let friends and family know exactly how they can help.

Here are some things you can ask them:

  • Not smoke around you

  • Distract you when you are having a craving

  • Hang out with you somewhere you can’t smoke


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